Friday, January 18, 2008

It's Friday!!!

Well it's finally Friday and lookin forward to a long weekend. Since I'm a government slacker I get monday off. Planning to do some riding near Green River, UT tomorrow in the cooooold!! I think I better get some ride time in before the first race of the season next weekend in Mesquite, NV. Looking forward to racing again. That means tonite I'll be finishing bike prep. Hopefully things go better than last night. As I was changing a front tire, I managed to pinch a brand new tube, an ended up spilling a fresh adult beverage into my toolbox as a result of the tantrum I threw because of said tube pinching. Managed to put another tube in, this time the right way so now all I have to do is put the wheel back on the bike. Should go pretty smoothly. Fingers crossed. I'll add ride pics to my next post!

1 comment:

Chris Pease & Christie Wilkes said...


Kiss ass pic. I'm proud of you and your domestic girly scrap-blogging abilities!

Girl, you are everything I wish I was - seriously! What an accomplished life.

I'll keep checkin' in for updated pics 'n such!
