Sunday, January 20, 2008

Saturday Ride Report

Saturday's ride was awsome!! Headed down to Green River to meet up with some folks from my dirtbike club, Sage Riders. The trail we rode was a new one for me and it rocked. Mostly single track, my favorite. The trail was technical enough that the 15 degree weather wasn't an issue. I got to see some new areas and found some rock art that I hadn't seen before. Also took in some creative rock formations as you can see from the photo. It's appropriately named, so I'll let your imaginations figure it out. Only had a couple spills, one on some slick ice, so not too bad for no seat time in the last month and a half. I can see that I'm gonna have to step it up tho, or I won't be much competition for the new fast chicks that are racin this year. Well for the rest of the day its bike prep for next weekend and house cleaning. May take the Jeep for an excursion on Monday for my government holliday, if so I'll have new pics to post. Lata, Kari

1 comment:

Chris Pease & Christie Wilkes said...


This "rock formation" is kinda turning me on... LOL.

Kick ass pic. Kinda wishin' we would have met up with you guys though, the weather was frakin' nice on Sat!

Hope yer plannin' to party at the Casablanca in Mesquite this weekend!!!